What is the Pathwork?

The Pathwork is a spiritual path following a number of channelled lectures given to a woman called Eva Pierrakos, back between the 1950’s and 1970’s. There is no name for the Being which channelled these 258 lectures. It is known only as the Pathwork Guide.

Within these lectures is a wisdom which, although timeless, gives us in today’s world, a sure path to our spiritual essence or True Self.

We are encouraged to look fearlessly at those aspects of ourself which keep us from the joy, peace and love of our centre – eg. the voice of the ego, the seduction of the mask, or false self and the temptations to surrender to our lower self, filled with pride, hate and fear.

Eva Pierrakos
Eva Pierrakos

By following the practical suggestions of the Guide, we are helped to own all those pieces of ourselves which strive to remain separate, and we are assisted in reclaiming them and transmuting them into their original, positive essence.
Work on this path with other people on the same path is recommended, since in reality, we all are one and work together for liberation and freedom.
Groups of people working with the Guide lectures have sprung up all over the world, and these are usually facilitated by Pathwork Helpers. Helpers are those people who have done intensive work to purify themselves and embrace their True Self. They have followed a long and intensive training to ‘become’ Pathwork Helpers. They wish sincerely and humbly to be of service to others and are happy to give their time in facilitating workshops and regular groups and in offering one to one sessions.

Although much of the path-work involves purifying and clearing away those distortions within us, our aim is always to claim our centre, essence and True Self.
In this place there is no duality or separation. In this place all opposites are one in a harmonic marriage of ALL counterpoints. There is only ONE. There is only UNITY.


The Guide begins each of the lectures with a shower of blessings from those spiritual beings who accompany us on this journey. We are encouraged to be open to receiving these blessings which truly help us with any obstacles or difficulties which we may meet on the path.
The challenges are not played down, but neither are they seen as insurmountable. For those who wish to follow this path, help is always available.

Visit the list of the Pathwork Helpers who work in the UK, their contact details and what they offer. We look forward to meeting you on this beautiful journey, and assure you of our help and assistance with the steps.

Pathwork Helpers

Commitment Statement from Lecture #138

Tree and roots

The Human Predicament of Desire for and Fear of Closeness

"I decide to give up the error of 'me versus the other.' There is really no conflict, therefore I can give all of myself. I not only request help from deep within, but I decide to give the best I am to life, without fear. Any fear that still lurks within me is error, and I decide to rid myself of this error and to give myself over to the divine powers to which I open myself totally. I deeply desire to understand the truth of 'I and others are one' meaning that there is no conflict. I therefore can give ofmyself the best that I am. I surrender to those higher forces so that this self-giving may occur in harmony, in rightness, without strain and effort."

Anyone meditating in such a way increases the power, the life, the peace, and the light within. All struggle and pain must then, sooner or later, fall away in exact proportion as this attitude is truly felt and lived. Use this key, my friends, and all else will be added unto you...
Many of you are now at the point where you can really mean these words and initiate this new attitude. And life for you will then begin, truly begin.

Upcoming Events
(No Events Currently on Offer)

Being Fully Accountable

A Pathwork weekend workshop with Pathwork Helpers Chieko Kanaya and Lynnie Jenkins
Date: 20th/21st August, 2022

"Whatever it may be with anyone of you in whatever state you may be now, there is always a message for you to discover about your own life. It is up to you not to project your experiences outwardly, which is always the most dangerous, the most insidious temptation, or, for that matter, to project them into yourself in a self-devastating way which avoids the issue just as much as when you project it onto others. The attitude "I am so bad, I am nothing" is always dishonest. This dishonesty has to be exposed so that the crisis can become meaningful, whether it be small or great." (Guide Lecture 183)

We offer you the chance to explore with us and in comradeship with others, the theme of being fully accountable in your own life. We will use Pathwork Lectures in an experiential way to go inside and examine honestly and openly, where and how we may avoid taking responsibility for what happens to us in our lives. Sadly, if we refuse responsibility, we often cannot profit from our actions and plans.

We will once more experience the unfulfilled longings of our inner child, giving attention, care and tender nourishment to those neglected sadnesses and pains, while we look at the images and conclusions our hurt child formed in order to 'avoid' future hurt.

How we react to people in our adult lives often mirrors our relationship with our parents and caregivers, thus it may be that we seldom relate 'cleanly' to those we meet. How interesting then, to explore these mazes and see how we may be deluded in our relationship with others.

We invite you to explore these themes with us on the weekend of 20th/21st August, in a safe place in the natural and 'holding' beauty of Dartmoor in Devon. Venue will be advised when you register for the workshop.
Deadline for application is 1st August.

We ask you to register early, as there is a limit on the number of participants for this workshop.
The fee is £180 for the weekend.
You will be given further details 4 weeks before the workshop, including the lectures to be read in preparation.
We look forward to meeting you and to working with you in this inspiring and safe space!

Register your interest by contacting Lynnie at: lynniej03@gmail.com

Meet UK Pathwork Helpers

For those who wish to follow this path of self-purification and self-transformation on all levels of consciousness, help is always available.
Learn more about our Pathwork Helpers, what they offer and how to get in touch with them.

Chieko Kanaya

Chieko Kanaya - Pathwork Helper, offers groups, workshops, one to one sessions
  • groups
  • workshops
  • one to one sessions

The excitement I felt when I first found Pathwork in 1999 has not left me and it is the best guiding tool to live by for me to this date. As I practice helpership to myself first and foremost, I have found deep fulfilment in life, and connecting with people through finding truth together is such a joy. I come from the Buddhist-Shinto culture and had my days immersed in meditation practice and many other teachings trying to solve the puzzle of life, now all come together to help me help others. I have been building up my strength to help people with Pathwork through giving one to one sessions and facilitating small groups with workshops and lecture study, also in the long courses for the Balkan School of Pathwork. For me, practicing Pathwork helpership is the expression of how I truly love myself and the world.

1999年に初めて遭遇して以来、パスワークは当時の感動を今も残しながら 現在に至るまで私の人生を生きるための最良の教材になっています。まず自分自身のヘルパーであることを最優先してきて、生きることに深い満足が得られたと思います。また、他の方々と真実を共に探求できるのもこの上ない喜びです。仏教と神道の文化に生まれ、瞑想に明け暮れたり人生のパズルを解こうと様々な教えも試しましたが、今それも無駄にならずに役に立っていると感じています。これからも続く私のヘルパー修行は、これまでやってきた個人セッションや少人数の講座、ガイドレクチャーの勉強会、そしてセルビアの長期コースの教師としての経験を通して積み上げたものを土台に、真の愛というものを自分自身と世界に発現していくためのものだと思っています。

Bruce Stevenson

Bruce Stevenson, UKCP. M.Sc , Pathwork Helper (London)
  • workshops
  • one to one sessions

After graduating with a degree in Anthropology I was a Buddhist monk, and then lived at the Phoenicia Pathwork centre in upstate New York in 1984.

I subsequently trained as a psychotherapist, and have spent the last thirty years integrating Eastern and Western understandings of the Mind together with training as a Pathwork helper and studying with Almaas.

Lynnie Jenkins

Lynnie Jenkins, Pathwork Helper, professional homeopath and a hands on healer
  • monthly groups
  • one to one sessions (in person or on Skype)
  • workshops
  • intensives and retreats

After training as a Pathwork Helper in the UK, I co-facilitated workshops, groups and intensives in Devon, before moving to Serbia for 4 years.

In Serbia I was passionately involved in the setting up of Pathwork South East Europe and in introducing and supporting this work for people in Serbia, Croatia. Turkey and other Balkan countries.

With colleagues, I set up and organised the Helper training programme for Pathwork South Eastern Europe for Balkan candidates. I was fortunate to be a trainer for this programme and also on the Transformation programme.

I live in West Devon near Okehampton , and welcome people wanting to work with the Pathwork to intensives, workshops, retreats and ongoing monthly groups and sessions.

I am also a (now retired) professional homeopath and a hands on healer.
I love the depth, beauty and abundance of the countryside, birdsong, the dynamic sea, living running water and quiet hedgerows.

Christine Bassan

Christine Bassan, M.A. - Pathwork Helper (Hertfordshire)
  • one to one sessions (in person or on Zoom/Skype)

Born in France, a spiritual journey began tentatively in my late teens when I became inspired by Arnaud Desjardins and Krishnamurti's writings. This motivated me to travel extensively for several years, and to tread the Afghan trail to India in my early twenties. I came to England in 1976, where for 10 years I joined a society partly based on Gurdjieff's esoteric teachings. After my son's birth, at age 35, I was faced with bone cancer, which left me with a disabled right leg. These life-changing experiences resulted in a more conscious engagement with emotional and psychological healing. After a year of emotional therapy which addressed basic childhood issues, the desire to heal more deeply brought me to the Pathwork material in 1994. In the years to follow, I immersed myself in the lectures, which fulfilled an inner longing to reconcile all aspects of self. In 2000, I committed to the 7 year Helpership Training.

Mostly trained through RELATE, I have been a counsellor for couples and individuals since 2004. As I am passionate about deep listening and relationships at all levels, I was drawn to Focusing, a compassionate way to listen to our inner selves and interact with them whilst grounded in Presence. Consequently, I completed a M.A. in Focusing & Experiential Psychotherapy at the University of East Anglia in 2010, writing a dissertation on the experience of embodying spirituality. The ongoing struggle with acceptance of physical limitations further led me to Wholebody Focusing as a way to connect more deeply with the body's healing wisdom.

Whilst deeply grounded in Pathwork teachings, my approach is also informed by various models, including Attachment Theory, Gestalt, Trasactional Analysis and inner child work. Facilitating individuals to empower themselves and to trust their innate wisdom is a real privilege, which I find deeply fulfilling and inspiring. At its best, I experience this work as 'midwifing the soul' - assisting the individual in bringing forth exiled aspects from the psyche into the light of awareness, to be integrated and healed through acceptance and compassion.

In the last few years, I have been strongly drawn to the contemplative practice of Centering Prayer, started initially by Father Thomas Keating, and furthered by Cynthia Bourgeault, a modern mystic.

Personal interests include astrology, the use of language and metaphors, sustainable living, new forms of communities and holistic health. Meditation is part of my spiritual practice.
Some of the writers impacting my life have been/are: Pema Chodron, Stephen Levine, Melanie Reinhart, Eckhart Tolle, John Welwood and Cynthia Bourgeault.

I offer individual sessions, in person, over the phone or on Zoom/Skype. Please feel free to contact me for further details.

Colin Brown

Colin Brown, Pathwork Helper, communication and insight coach for business people
  • online sessions
  • small workshops
  • group study

I trained and worked as actor in theatre and television. I have co-devised and directed over 20 operas for young people, in particular those with a range of disabilities and special needs. I have taught at Drama School and am a workshop leader. I am also a communicator and insight coach for business people.

I have written and performed many sketches and my own one man show and would like to spend more time writing.

Mask/Idealised Self-Image: love with serenity. “Conciliatory, understanding, kind, supportive. Little Bodhisattva”.

Lower Self: the territory ranges from anxiety and fear to impotent rage, resentment, glowering pride, brooding tentacles, withholding and undermining.

Higher Soul Vistas: loving, generous, joyful and playful. Deep clear reservoirs of gratitude and blessedness, aligned with the Well-Being of all creation.

I have been recently inspired by the beauty of the resurrection passages in the Gospels, and by Thich Nhat Hanh, especially after his passing. He helps to remind me to Rest in God and to breathe mindfully.

I am perennially minded to “Be with yourself and be your Self” and this has now expanded to include “Breathe with yourself and be/breathe your Self”.

If any of this speaks to you get in touch via email col774@gmail.com
I give online sessions, small workshops, help with group study and other helpful conversations.

Simon Gleave

Simon Gleave, Pathwork Helper

I have been involved with Pathwork since the late 1990s attending Pathwork groups and workshops and I lived at the Pathwork UK centre for a while.

I undertook the Pathwork Studies program following on with my helpership training and I continued in supervision.

I also trained to be a licensed acupuncturist and ran my own practice.

I am a fan of Barbara Ann Brennan (Heyoan) and Pat Rodegast (Emmanuel) and I am influenced by Daoism and Buddhism as well as by the Violet Flame.

I am currently inactive but hold a view to resume things in the future.